Multi-Ethnic | Employee Resource Groups, Diversity, Sustainability | Corning


Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion

Employee Resource Groups



These Employee Resource Groups help to promote the heritage of each ethnicity of their members by sharing their culture and through their offerings of educational opportunities, networking, cultural events, and social gatherings.

Ethnically Diverse Group of Employees (EDGE)

EDGE is open to all Corning employees. Many of the members have ancestry that includes Asia Pacific Islander heritage along with many other nationalities.  This group works to ensure that Corning’s ethnic minorities achieve their full potential as valued employees.

Manufacturing Technology & Engineering Asian and Latin Group (MTE ALG)

MTE ALG represents employees of Asian and Latin American descent working within the Manufacturing, Technology & Engineering division at Corning.  

Interesting Facts

EDGE’s Passport to the World event is attended by hundreds of employees and senior leaders and provides participating groups the opportunity to showcase the various cultures represented at Corning from around the world.