African American/Black | Employee Resource Group, Diversity, Sustainability | Corning


Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion

Employee Resource Groups

African American / Blacks

African American / Blacks

The Employee Resource Groups for African American/ Black employees work to create an inclusive environment for all African American /Black employees through their offerings of educational opportunities, networking, cultural events, and social gatherings.

Society of Black Professionals (SBP)

SBP represent African American employees at Corning.  They work to create and sustain an environment with Corning that will support recruitment, retention and professional advancement of black employees at all levels.

Black Growth Council (BGC)

BGC represent employees of African descent within the Manufacturing, Technology & Engineering division at Corning.  They work to promote the growth, success and retention of black and other diverse employees in MTE by providing support, understanding and tools.

Black Technology Network (BTN)

BTN represent the black employees of the Technology Community in Corning NY. They work to advocate for the integration of black employees into the innovation and leadership of the technology community.

Interesting Facts

  • Members of BTN have received more than 200 patents since 1988 that have contributed to new products and innovation at Corning.
  • The Society of Black Professionals was the first ERG for African American/Black employees at Corning.  It has been in existence for over 35 years.