Cell Expansion and Cell Processing | Adherent and Suspension Cell Culture Products | Corning

Established Platforms for Advanced Therapy Cell Expansion and Cell Processing

Established Platforms for Advanced Therapy Cell Expansion and Cell Processing

Successful scale-up and scale out is essential when bringing advanced therapies to market. It is critical to create a reproducible, reliable, and predictable scale-up strategy, while preserving the integrity of the culture, moving efficiently, and keeping costs low.

Corning’s adherent and suspension expansion platforms streamline your production-level scale-up, without sacrificing yield, quality, or viability.

Discover Corning’s new Ascent Fixed Bed Reactor (FBR) System, specifically designed to combine the yield efficiency, flexibility, and viable cell harvest of adherent bioproduction platforms, with the scale and automation of suspension manufacturing systems.

If you’d like to see the Corning Ascent FBR System in action, please contact us to request a demonstration

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