Scientific Support | Ask The Scientist | Corning

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Scientific Support

Scientific Support

Ask a Scientist

With a broad background in different life sciences disciplines, our Scientific Support scientists will help you find the right solution for your experimental goals, design your experiment to reach your objective and provide support (usage to achieve best performance of the product, protocols, documentation, and more).

For your convenience, product documentation and technical literature are also available below.

Contact Us

We aim to support our customers in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Dutch.

Click here to submit a question.

Or write us an email: [email protected]

Or you can reach us via phone Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00 (Central European Time), using the numbers below.

Issues with a product?

Send a description of the product issue you have encountered to [email protected]. Please feel free to include photos or videos representative of the encountered issue if applicable. We will do our best to help you solve this swiftly.

Phone numbers by Country


Product Documentation

Upcoming and Recently Published Webinars