Maxim 14574EWL+
Maxim 14574 driver is a quad-output driver which is compatible with A-Series. The maximum output voltage is 70 Vrms. 1.6x2.6mm package. I2C interface.
Maxim 14574 driver is a quad-output driver which is compatible with A-Series. The maximum output voltage is 70 Vrms. 1.6x2.6mm package. I2C interface.
Driver Boards
This board includes a Maxim driver and various FPC connectors for the A-P-Series, A-PE-Series, C-S-Series, C-H-Series and C-u-Series. Due to the FocusLab Software, it is easily driven through USB and delivered with the development kits. Its very small form factor enables the use of this board directly with any PC-driven application with no extra hardware development. This board is an evolution of our former “USB-M Flexiboard”. It also provides a compatibility with our C-C-39N0-A1 20Mpx product line.
Board size : 48 x 35 x 8 mm.
This board includes a Maxim driver and various FPC connectors for the A-Series, C-S-Series and C-u-Series. It has a 4 pin JST connector for DC power supply and for I²C
communication. It has been designed for fast driving of the adjustable lens directly from a microcontroller, an FPGA, a DSP, etc. A cabled JST connector is supplied with the board.
Board size : 23 x 18 x 8 mm.
This board is a USB to RS232-12 V / RS232-3.3 V / I²C / SPI converter. Connected to a PC with a USB cable on one hand, and to the C-C module on the other hand. It enables
communication directly with any of the C-C versions using Focuslab. A potentiometer also allows direct control of the C- C voltage without a computer.
Board size : 42 x 75 x 16 mm.