How it Works: Extrusion
Would you rather inhale a constant stream of noxious gases and particulate matter or breathe clean air? While few people would choose the gases and particulate matter, the reality is these dangerous emissions regularly flow out of vehicles and into our lungs.
Corning has stepped up to help automakers meet increasingly stringent emissions regulations and to significantly reduce the levels of these toxins coming from vehicle exhaust – allowing everyone to breathe easier and live healthier lives. Corning’s substrates and filters – the unsung hero behind keeping those harsh gases and soot out of our lungs – are created through a proprietary extrusion process.
To begin the extrusion process, high-quality raw materials are blended to create a homogenous mixture. These are high-temperature, low-expansion materials, allowing them to withstand fluctuations in extreme temperatures inside your engine.
Next, liquid is added to the raw material mixture and poured into a conical hopper. The mixture is then transformed into a paste-like substance.
The substance is then fed into a screw extruder and through a honeycomb die, which creates thousands of tiny parallel channels. In filters, these channels are responsible for trapping harmful particulate matter before it reaches the air. In substrates, porous linings within the channels allow for catalytic conversions to take place removing harmful toxins too small to trap in a filter.
Materials, sizes, and shapes will vary according to engine and vehicle manufacturer specifications. However, each finished piece is cut to a specific length, meeting all manufacturer requirements.
As emissions regulations are becoming more stringent, we continue to develop new technologies to keep our air clean. Our technology is fitted for both gasoline and diesel vehicles in both light-duty and heavy-duty applications. Recent innovations – such as FLORA® Substrates – reduce fine particulate matter from gasoline engines, which substrate-only systems can’t catch. Corning® DuraTrap® GC Filters reduce particulate emissions in light-duty gasoline systems.
Watch this video about the extrusion process to see how it works.