ClearCurve® Single-mode Optical Fibers | Corning

Bend-insensitive single-mode fibers lower installation cost through reduced errors, particularly in indoor applications

Corning® ClearCurve® Single-mode Optical Fibers

Corning® ClearCurve® Single-mode Optical Fibers

ClearCurve® ZBL and LBL bend-improved single-mode fibers are cost-effective solutions designed to meet a wide array of applications and deployment conditions. They are compliant with ITU-T Recommendations G.652.D and G.657, providing superior installation speed and efficiency, and greater successful installations in homes and businesses.


How To Order ClearCurve® Bend-Insensitive Single-mode Fibers

ClearCurve® single-mode fibers can be purchased natural or colored. Fibers with Corning® ColorPro® identification technology, our coloring solution, enable cable manufacturers to reduce cost, minimize footprint, and leverage an enhanced product offering.

To learn more about our products or to place an order, please contact your sales representative, call our Customer Service Department at 1-607-248-2000 (U.S. and Canada) / +44-1244-525-320 (Europe), or email us at [email protected].