The Global Energy (GEM) team at the Optical Fiber plant in Pune, India, recently launched a program to optimize its compressed air system, which has led to cost and energy savings.
“Everything in compressed air systems is interrelated – factors on the demand side can affect how the equipment on the supply side operates,” said Apoorva Amin, site energy manager. “Compressed air systems are most efficient when both sides of the system are optimized at the same time by taking a holistic systems approach.”
Since the program was implemented last November, it’s on track to reduce Pune’s compressed air usage by about 200,000 kilowatt hours per year. That’s equivalent to the greenhouse gases emitted by driving 360,000 miles in a passenger vehicle.
Apoorva said he credits his colleagues for “seamless implementation” of the project.
He added, “This project was a demonstration of great team work in which engineering and facility professionals worked together to achieve success.”
Oct. 3, 2018