3D Spheroid Models | 3D Cell Culture Models | Corning

Explore 3D Spheroid Model Environments

3D spheroids are simple, widely used multicellular 3D models that form due to the tendency of adherent cells to aggregate. Spheroids can be generated from a broad range of cell types including tumor spheroids, embryoid bodies, hepatospheres, neurospheres, and mammospheres.

3D multicellular spheroids can develop metabolic gradients that create heterogeneous cell populations with superior cell-to-cell and cell-to-ECM interactions.1 3D spheroids offer a more physiologically relevant model as compared to 2D cell culture and can successfully mimic the microenvironment of a variety of tissue types in disease states.

Explore 3D Spheroid Model Environments

Spheroids are simple, widely used multicellular 3D models that form due to the tendency of adherent cells to aggregate. They can be generated from a broad range of cell types including tumor spheroids, embryoid bodies, hepatospheres, neurospheres, and mammospheres.

3D multicellular spheroids can develop metabolic gradients that create heterogeneous cell populations with superior cell-to-cell and cell-to-ECM interactions.1 They offer a more physiologically relevant model as compared to 2D cell culture and can successfully mimic the microenvironment of a variety of tissue types in disease states.


Spheroid Model Applications

Stem Cell Research

Stem Cell Research

Stem Cell Research

Spheroid models grown in Corning® spheroid microplates can be used to create uniform embryoid bodies from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) that can be subsequently generated into high-purity neural stem cells (NSC) for the study of potential neural disease treatments.

Spheroid models grown in Corning® spheroid microplates can be used to create uniform embryoid bodies from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) that can be subsequently generated into high-purity neural stem cells (NSC) for the study of potential neural disease treatments.

Tumor Biology

Tumor Biology

Tumor Biology

3D tumor spheroid models generated with Corning spheroid microplates closely mimic the in vivo tumor microenvironment. These spheroids – grown as either single cultures or more complex co-cultures with other cell types in the tumor microenvironment – offer an opportunity to better predict the therapeutic efficacy of cancer drug models in oncology drug discovery applications.

3D tumor spheroid models generated with Corning spheroid microplates closely mimic the in vivo tumor microenvironment. These spheroids offer an opportunity to better predict the therapeutic efficacy of cancer drug models in oncology drug discovery applications.

Immune Oncology

Immune Oncology

Immune Oncology

Corning 384-well spheroid microplates have been successfully employed to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of CAR-T cells on tumor cell spheroids. For example, the KILR™ Cytotoxicity assay (DiscoverX Corp.) combined with KILR-transduced tumor spheroids can be formed, cultured, and assayed directly on the same spheroid microplate.

Corning 384-well spheroid microplates have been successfully employed to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of CAR-T cells on tumor cell spheroids.

Solutions for Spheroid Models

Ultra-Low Attachment Surface

Ultra-Low Attachment Surface

A proprietary, animal-free, covalently bonded hydrogel surface, Corning Ultra-Low Attachment surface minimizes cell attachment, protein absorption, and enzyme activation

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Spheroid Microplates

Spheroid Microplates

Corning Spheroid Microplates combine the Corning Ultra-Low Attachment surface with an innovative U-shaped well geometry. making it ideal for generating, culturing and assaying in the same microplate.


Application Support for 3D Cell Culture

Scientific Support–Setting a New Industry Standard