Precision Glass Powder for glass beads/microspheres
Special use case glass powder can be generated by Corning and one special use case in particular is glass powder for glass microspheres or glass beads as they are often referred to. To generate a glass microsphere, glass powder is sized to a specific distribution. The glass powder can be borosilicate or any Corning glass but precise microsphere size is predicated on the starting glass powder size range. This highly specialized glass powder raw material must be produced in a size range and depending on the target size distribution small particles called fines are discarded while large sieve sizes are cycled back to the mill for processing. The process of sieving to a specific distribution with a narrow range can be costly and time consuming but required to generate a precise microsphere from a precise controlled powder size distribution. Additional care in this process is needed to reduce iron contamination and many of the components of the mill and sieve are nylon, ceramic or nonmetallic to reduce the amount of iron contamination of the powder.