DETROIT, Michigan – Corning® Gorilla® Glass for Automotive played a key role in the Ford booth during the annual North American International Auto Show last week. The light, tough, optically advantaged glass was put to the test as part of a live demonstration within the booth during media days earlier last week before the show was open to the public.
Corning and Ford put light, tough, optically advantaged Gorilla Glass for Automotive to the test during NAIAS 2016 media days.
A ball of hail roughly the size of a golf ball was shot at a piece of Gorilla Glass for Automotive hybrid laminate at 55 mph with a hail cannon.
This hybrid laminate represents the same construction used in the Ford GT windshield.
“We were thrilled that Ford invited us to collaborate with them in this event,” said Doug Harshbarger, division vice president and director, Auto Glass Solutions. “The team used the same piece of Gorilla Glass for Automotive hybrid laminate for both days with more than 35 shots to the glass and it didn’t break which thrilled the visiting media and Ford leaders, and drove home the toughness of Gorilla Glass for Automotive.
Of the dozens of reporters, including global print and broadcast outlets, bloggers, and internet reporters that stopped by the Ford booth, celebrity and American Idol host Ryan Seacrest was a fan-favorite. See his reaction to the hail test in the video above.
“It was exciting to watch people’s reactions to the test over the course of the media days – they really were really impressed,” Doug said.
In December, Corning announced its collaboration with Ford on the first Gorilla Glass for Automotive windshield application and last week at the International Consumer Electronics Show, Corning showcased how glass can help shape the automotive industry in the future.
“It’s been an exciting month for Gorilla Glass for Automotive - announcing the collaboration with Ford, taking part in their booth as well as demonstrating advancements in automotive capabilities at CES last week,” Doug said. ”We’re excited about what’s next.”